Linear scheduling method is a method defined for the scheduling of the projects which are linear in nature and therefore have the repetitive activities. This method enables these projects to utilize the resources in the continuous manner so that the project activities could be completed on time and no resource is wasted.  There are number of names of this method, some of which are the Harmon grams, line of balance and, location based and many more.

What are the applications of the linear scheduling method?

LSM has various applications in number of industries especially in the construction industry project such as the rail constructions, road constructions, pipelines and many such. There are other scheduling methods as well such as the critical path one but the reason why the LCM is chosen over it for the linear project is because it focuses on the continuous utilization of the resource which results in the maximum output from the resources, minimal interruption and disturbance in the processes which are already going and the learning curve effect is maximized. In this method, the progress rate of each crew is kept into consideration and is evaluated critically to make sure that no two crews overlap each other. This is how the clashes between the work of the crews are identified and adjusted. The main objective of this method is to minimize the project time by increasing the productivity of the crews and the resources on hand.

How does this method work?

In this method, different kind of the graphs are made based on number of variables to determine the utilization. The major variables which are used is the time, location and distance which are used in the making of the time distance graphs as well as the time location graphs. Apart from these some other kind of the graphs are also used in these which are French diagrams, march charts and others. These graphs help in the visualization of the entire project and not only give the overall macro level view but also present the micro view which then is used to define that how much and what kind of work has been completed and where it has been done.

What are the benefits of the linear scheduling method?

This is considered as the best method for the linear projects because it works to increase the productivity by making the work continuous and this is how the project is not only just completed on time but is also completed effectively and this is how more profit is generated in less time. Now there are various software available which has automated these methods and could be used easily to schedule any kind of the linear project. Visit this website to find out more details.